Inspired by the original Lilo & Stitch theatrical film trailers featuring Stitch crashing classic Disney film scenes, this monthly, limited release series of collectible premium plush puts a new spin on the extraterrestrial's antics. Each release honors a different, beloved Disney feature. This month's entry is inspired by Aladdin, bringing Stitch to a whole new world of fun.
Magic in the details- Limited Release
- Detailed plush sculpting
- Contrasting print patterns include Genie Lamp
- Abu hat
- Felt claws
- Embroidered features
- ''Stitch Crashes Disney'' patch on foot
- Sixth of 12 in this monthly series
- Inspired by Lilo & Stitch (2002) and Aladdin (1992)
- Part of the Stitch Crashes Disney Collection
- Polyester
- 12'' H (seated)
- Imported